Students Achievements

DepartmentStudent NameAchievement
ECEN.R.G. Barathwaj 1st prize representing Chennai in Senior State Soft Ball Championship conducted by the TAMIL NADU SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION ON 11.3.2012.
MECHJ. NarendraKumar2nd prize in TURBORAFT competition in FLIGHT'12@MIT, Anna University on 21st- 22nd March 2012.
EEEV. Visalakshi & Divya Vasan2nd Prize in Paper Presentation Contest in Convergence '12 held at Sairam Engg. College on 29th March 2012.
ECE R. Prakash &
S.K.Praveen Kumar
3rd Prize in Paper Presentation Contest in DHRONA'12 held at Kathir College of Engg., Coimbatore on 23rd – 24th Feb 2012.