About the Department

The Department of Physics was formed to support our institution’s undergraduate programs. The department is well-equipped with sophisticated experimental setups such as fiber optics, laser optics and thermal physics that are in line with the university curriculum. The department has eight faculties and they are highly knowledgeable with various specialization fields in the discipline of Physics. Among them, one faculty has completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the University of Paraiva Valley, Brazil. Also, four of the faculties possess Anna University supervisor recognition. Further, research and consultancy activities are also being carried out. Research is being conducted by the department on theoretical and experimental projects in the fields of non-linear optics, energy conversion, energy storage, photocatalysis, and bio-photonics.

In the past years, our faculties have published 66 research articles in the peer reviewed, Scopus/SCI indexed journals. Our department faculty have published 4 patents and 3 book chapters. The department has organized various guest lectures for students, workshops and FDP for the faculties.