About the Department

The Department of Science & Humanities was started in the year 2008. It is a multidisciplinary department which lays the profound foundation for all Engineering disciplines. The S&H comprises of  Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Tamil departments which offers a strong basis to 900 students of 8 different disciplines who are in pursuit of holistic science and technology knowledge.

The department is adorned with 29 Ph.Ds, 4 Post Docs and 8  TN SET/NET,  qualified and experienced faculties.Faculties have published various research papers in reputed Indexed Journals with high impact factor which makes them eminent and competent in their corresponding domain.

The labs under the Department of Science & Humanities are: –

  • Engineering Physics Laboratory
  • Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
  • Communication Skills Laboratory


  • Enhancing student’s creativity through the IDEATHON project learning process.
  • Facilitates the students to upskill themselves and win accolades in coding platforms like SKILL RACK, IIT BOMBAY SPOKEN TUTORIALS, ICT ACADEMY etc.
  • Students are encouraged to complete online courses in thrust areas offered by NPTEL, EDX, LEARNATHON by providing special training sessions.
  • Conducting Social centric extension activities through Clubs & Cells. 
  • The Department successfully conducts SIT-SCIHUM, a national level technical symposium exclusively for I Year Students during the month of March every year